The Town's Rich Colourful Past :
John Woodman
Current headlines covering the pending closure and or relocation of Blackpool town centre's post office, presently located in the basement of WH Smith's premises on Bank Hey Street, together with news of plans for further redevelopment of the Talbot Gateway area which include demolition of properties due south of the Council's Bickerstaffe House and former Bus Station site - prompts this supplemental reference on records of the town's colourful past.

Whilst my personal interest in Blackpool history has most obviously tended towards its transport scene I have maintained a wider range of pursuits that embrace social and physical transformation of the resort. To this end the Blog has wandered into areas possibly lacking interest for the hardened tram or bus enthusiast - but important nonetheless in providing background to developments of the bus and tram operations through many decades.

I therefore commend to readers with not dissimilar interest to give time to THE Council website found online at which contains a diversity of coverage. From early days of Whitegate Drive to the origins Marton Mere and topography of the Fylde coastline. Blackpool Council's heritage cadre have compiled an active compendium of background stories and information on the town's history. Collections of images are online covering street scenes and once familiar buildings as well as selected themes (excluding transport).
Not to be confused with the online material of Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours - well known to transport enthusiasts - the Council's ongoing work and efforts of its historical researchers to record fascinating detail and images of the town's evolving growth and development is highly commended. Enough said.
Below : Local bus stop at 'The Windmill' in Layton - shelter and 'Windmill' now long gone.