Rossall School
John Woodman
Rossall School has been served by trams since opening of the tramroad in 1898 with a stop directly opposite the main school entrance. The School's interest in the initiatives launched by Fleetwood Heritage Leisure Trust (FHLT) a decade back commenced with the BTS display of trams at Rigby Road on behalf of the Trust's proposals. Balloon Car 710 was adorned with sponsor banners at the event, including one of the School. Since then the Trustees have maintained an open exchange on its plans for displaying its collection in Fleetwood. Now that originating proposals have lapsed and disposal / dispersal of the collection is underway - Rossall School have indicated their intention to acquire one of the Trust's trams for display within the School grounds.
Focus has been on Balloon Car 710 which is now in need of extensive refurbishment and a working party of pupils and two of the School staff made an impromptu visit to Wyre Dock this week in order to formalise decisions to take the restoration project forward. The weather was not conducive to a lengthy outdoor visit but at least the pupils had chance to inspect 710 and other trams held at Wyre Dock - pending their disposal. Jointly with the Trust the School will shortly approve plans for a tram restoration project to be undertaken in 2021/22 which may extend to a further Fleetwood display involving 710 jointly with community partners.
A somewhat despondent scene at Wyre Dock below :