North Station To Fleetwood - 1962
John Woodman
Up to autumn 1963 travellers had the choice of travelling to Fleetwood either by direct train service from North Station via Poulton and Thornton, or on the tram parked outside the station entrance. Whilst the train service was somewhat intermittent outside of peak morning and late afternoon hours, on the other hand the tram service - uniquely numbered 1 on tram indicators ran on a 6 minute frequency most of the day. Journey time by train from Blackpool North to Fleetwood was between 22 and 25 minutes with five station stops inbetween. On the other hand the tram had many more stops along the entire route and required up to 36 minutes for the entire journey.
Just across Talbot Road from the tram terminus was the main Bus Station where the number 14 bus departed for Fleetwood on a half hourly frequency most of the day. It terminated close to the tram terminus at Fleetwood Ferry requiring around 36 minutes for the entire journey which used an inland route via Carleton (where it crossed the railway line) and Thornton.

A further option for travellers between the two town centres was of course the seafront tram service between Starr Gate and Fleetwood Ferry. This had a twelve minute daytime frequency and required a journey time of just under forty minutes between the North Pier/Talbot Square stop and Fleetwood terminus. During the summer season frequent 'extra' workings were in operation along the seafront line with trams every few minutes albeit intermittently.
This was a far cry from today's provisions when harsh weather conditions make extended waiting times particularly intolerable for travellers using the seafront tram (and Bus Service 1). Just how Blackpool Transport intend to operate the new improved tram service whether north or southbound, to and from Blackpool North Station dead end stop remains to be seen.