Last Trams To Layton (and Central Drive) - in 1936
John Woodman
The Five Year Plan presented by Walter Luff to his Transport Committee and Council in early 1933 following his succession to Manage the town's transport system included recommendations for closure of two street tram routes and replacement by buses. These were services with town centre terminii directly outside the Town Hall in Talbot Sqiare running to Layton and to Central Station. Both lines involved small sections of single track operation and faced increasingly heavy road traffic, especially of course during the sunmer season.
Operated by the double deck 'Standard' cars the Transport Department was determined to avoid using any of the new streamline trams then entering servjce. The contrast with new buses (centre entrance models) was intended to highlight the benefits of bus operation. As soon as sufficient of the new buses allowed, both routes were destined to be early candidates for replacement.
Accordingly at the end of the Illuminations in 1936 both Layton and Central Drive trams were quietly withdrawn.

For avid enthusiasts the details of the last trams to Layton and Central Station via Central Drive in 1936 are contained in this article appearing in the local newspaper. No photographs were taken at either closure
From John Woodman Archive