Blackpool's Loss - Ted Lightbown RIP
John Woodman
The death earlier this month of Ted Lightbown sees a great historian of Blackpool being taken from the town's cadre of local knowledge. His contributions to special exhibitions and presentations on diverse aspects of the growth of the resort and its origins on the Fylde's coast. Whilst not involved in detailed pursuit of Blackpool's famous tramway Ted nevertheless retained keen interest in this segment local history; willingly furnishing this writer with images from his collection for the initial publication 'A Tribute to Rigby Road Works' when it appeared well over a decade past.
Of especial note was the home Ted and his wife maintained in the original Layton Village and itself a building from the mid 19th century. His role in recording events, personalities and developments in and around the town has been kept active by the local historical society of which he was a leading Member, along with Ann, his wife to whom we send our condolences.
Below : One of Ted Lightbown's images 'loaned' for Volume One of Tribute to Rigby Road Works by the writer. A packed Colisseum Coach Station in pre-war years sans Blackpool Corporation Transport office building - still to be constructed. This allows a clear view of the southern frontage of Blundell Street Tram Depot and the ominous backdrop of a gas holder. Thank you Ted.