Goodbye To All That

Hard to believe but this was once the site of Blackpool's original North Station - or as it was called 'Talbot Road Railway Station' when built. The bland concrete edifice erected following the station's demolition to be replaced by a series of supermarket brands plus a multi level car park above - little used by the public - is soon to be turned into rubble.
A more depressing blot on the townscape could not be worse than this 1960's monstrosity. Finally after years of toing and froing the entire site is to be redeveloped. This baleful property will finally be replaced by a complex more in keeping with the reclad Bus Station and Sainsbury store. Dickson Road trams used to terminate directly in front of the old North Station along the roadway on the far left. Trams to Layton (closed in 1936) ran directly in front of the camera along Talbot Road and what became known as 'New Road'.
The redeveloped site will again see trams returning to form part of the North Station inter-change - tracks can be seen leading onto what will become the new tram terminus within a reconfigured scheme that completes the Talbot Gateway project (more or less).
A pity something similar cannot be done about the woeful properties along Talbot Road running down to the promenade - which hardly uplift the character of the resort in their present condition and occupancy. The railway station building will remain more or less within its 1930s concrete Excursion Platform terminal format - albeit tarted up with a new paint job but little else as far as amenities and style is concerned. Network Rail not being able to undertake redesign and introduce improvements of any consequence in this part of the north of England. Perhaps at some stage in the future sharper minds and political drive will bring about monumental change for the better. The contrast with Birmingham New Street complex - which has trams now running directly past the passenger concourse could not be greater.
Still one small step for Blackpool in ridding ourselves of the dire property inflicted decades previously is something the town should be grateful for.