Back To The Sixties

Those parked cars give the image an immediate dating. The connecting track leading to the works traverser sees a Coronation car attempting to make it to the Blundell Street track as workmen push intrusive vehicles out of the way. I don't think the two tone Ford will survive the glancing blow from the tram's side panels though! Image : John Woodman

Needless to say another Tour, this time with Standard 160 at the very end of the North Station stub track terminus. A 15A service bus with crafted handpainted adverts on its rear panels makes an interesting contrast. Image : John Woodman Archive
Below : Almost the end of the Lytham Road service with this excellent nighttime image of two passing rail coaches both signed for their return journey to Cabin from Squires Gate tram terminus. The two cars have received an updated cream fronted paint job which improved their appearance by 1961. Image : John Woodman Archive.