Abingdon Street Sights
The consequence of closing the promenade was traffic delays in and around the town centre and rerouting of many, if not most, of BTS bus services using the terminal points on Market and Corporation Streets. Rerouting of buses for brief periods to satisfy visitor priority road closures has become an all too familiar facet of Blackpool's transport operation. Whereas only accidents and road construction obliged buses to change the course of their service - now summer and autumn months are littered with this and that sponsored run, walk, ride or parade.
Of course this provides fascinating scenes for camera wielding enthusiasts (everyone now has some form of visual recording device). The author being no exception always ensuring his camera is at hand - for unusual sights. Abingdon Street last weekend came alive with convoys of 'Palladium' clad buses serving temporary stops; whilst Stagecoach assigned one of its specially painted 'Ribble' buses to add further random colours.

Contrasts with 2015 delivery Citaro and a 'Shuttle Bus' from the latest ADL 2019 tranche.

Lengthening lines of BTS buses on Abingdon Street where temporary termini were sited for the diverted town centre services. (Lights Switch On weekend). Below : Contrasting styles with a Stagecoach 'Ribble' branded example and Blackpool's 'Palladium' now standard type. A pity it was not in 'cherry red and light cream' of the former Ribble operator.