Goodbye to Copse Road Depot

The demolition crew is hard at work reducing the historic Blackpool & Fleetwood Tramroad depot on Copse Road to rubble.
The area will make way for expanded second hand car sales parking for the Owners. At one point the FHLT were provided with a short term lease arrangement which would have allowed the Trust to develop a small tram museum within the structure.
Significant limitations on usage and planning issues caused this worthwhile endeavour to stall in 2012. The adjoining Sub Station which contained original equipment installed by Blackpool Corporation in the early 1920s became the focus of our initiative to 'rescue' the sectioned control panels covering the overhead power distribution from Thornton Gate to Fleetwood Bold Street (later Ferry). These were removed by the Trust with help of Builders Supplies (West Coast) Ltd. and are now safely stored by that company.
At best the building would have allowed display of a maximum of six trams albeit in a historic depot which is now being quickly reduced to rubble.