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Writer's pictureJohn Woodman

Sun Sea and Paint (and now for something completely different)

Having embarked on painting 641 in tangerine, white and black (and a little grey) it was quite a thrill to encounter the creative work of a diverse assembly of street artists at work this weekend in Blackpool.

The 2015 efforts are just as stunning as the makeover on the Trust's Brush Car 290 which formed part of the 2013 urban art programme involving international and UK designers. Fortunately perhaps, this year 290 remained untouched and is still pristine in its corporation green and cream BCT colours.

A brief view of more colourful renditions now on view in Blackpool's town centre - with several being works in progress today. All in all far more creative effort than adding grey dots to the yellow paintwork Manchester's seemingly ever growing fleet of Bautzen built vehicles - apparently the token UK local content in a multi-million pound Metrolink order sourced (again) in Germany.

These and much more seen on a Blackpool street near you !

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