Signs from former times
A few glimpses from trams not operating on the 'green timetable service' over the Tram Sunday weekend. Plans for some of the cars remain very much under active discussion between the BHT and FHLT - as well as third Parties who have expressed interest. We indeed hope that the Heritage Tour tram service is filled to capacity on its runs to Fleetwood - and perhaps a few fortunate enthusiasts will also get a nostalgic closeup look at these other cars waiting in the wings so to speak. From the initial launch of 'Friends of Fleetwood Trams' and its modest goals of saving a handful (at most) of redundant trams in the great Rigby Road sell-off/clear-out - the role of the FHLT and its private initiatives now have a dozen survivors in hand. Of course the need for a permanent home and covered secure premises remains our priority. The Trust is working towards this - in Fleetwood.
Below : a classic interior 1960s' style. This is the saloon of Motor Unit 678 with its light varnished wood finish and roof glazing. Swing over seating from the original railcoach layout remains intact. Only the 'hopper' windows detract from this back in time view.
All Photos : John Woodman